The Commonwealth of Massachusetts
Town of Becket
Planning Board Meeting
Working Agenda
August 8th, 2012- 7pm- Town Hall-557 Main Street
As of 08/06/12 order of agenda is subject to change
1. Approval of Minutes of July 11th, 2012.
2. Form A- Paul and Kris Merrill, Map 211, Lot 110, 229 East Shore Drive.
3. Public Hearing: Jack Conboy, Map 204, Lot 58.1; Applicants request a Special Permit for a proposed filling station.
4. Public Participation
5. New Business
a. Beth VanNess- Wind Energy Symposium Discussion
6. Old Business
7. Correspondence
8. Budget
9. Schedule next Meeting for September 12th, 2012.
Planning Board Correspondence